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About US

Our Journey

Darcee’s (aka Mom’s) Journey –

At the age of just 5, I was gifted my first bird from my Memere (grandmother). She was a parakeet named Ginger and lived roughly 11 years. Ever since then I’d always been fascinated with birds, and animals in general. Birds are one of a kind creatures that have so many intricate little details regarding their health, lives, happiness, and so on. The reason I made this site is to express my love and to share my knowledge of birds with you. Whether you are deciding to get one as a pet, you are just interested in learning about them, or decided to use this for a school project, I hope you enjoy and carry on the things you learn for the future. 

Soup’s (aka Sophia’s) Journey –

I’ve had pets since I was born. Literally, my dog who is now passed away used to bundle me in blankets. I think I’ve always liked animals, even before I realized. We have 3 dogs, 3 guinea pigs, and of course, 7 birds. (All securely separated of course.) We got our first bird when I was 11. It was Fenway, a lovebird who was only a few months old at the time. She became my mom’s bird, though. Sooner than later we got one of my birds, Pesky. She’s a cockatiel around a year old now and I love her literally so much. More and more birds kept coming in and now we have.. seven. Two are mine, and five are my mom’s, but Pigpen seems to like me more than her.. sorry mom. I decided to help my mom with this site because I feel like it would be fun and beneficial.



Meet Our FLOCK

Fenway aka Fenny Fenster – Our little female Peach-faced Lovebird named after Fenway Park in Boston, MA. She’s cute, but don’t let her fool you. She’s a monster. All jokes aside, she is very overprotective, and she’s the oldest. She LOVES mom and tolerates Dad.

Pesky – Soup’s female Cockatiel named after the Pesky Pole at Fenway Park in Boston, MA. She’s sweet and soft, but also very tired. She’s a cranky little baby but she’s nice when shes not sleepy. She tends to fall asleep on your knee or shoulder.

PigPen – Mom’s female Cockatiel named after the Peanut’s character. She’s really nice, as well as insanely soft. She is Pesky’s literal best friend. She gets frightened easily, and she tends to yell.

Eri – named after an Anime character. Oh boy, here we go. Eri is Soup’s Quaker Parrot. She’s crazy, funny, soft, and bipolar. Like seriously, she will be cuddling with you then she will try to bite you right after. She likes to take baths and likes to cause trouble.

Petunia aka Tuni Bug – She’s the smallest of them all, but it doesn’t get to her. She’s funny and likes to fly around all day and has attitude. She is camera shy so you may not see much of her.

Corkie aka Chicken Little – Corkie, is a baby Lutino Cockatiel who has a very bad splayed/deformed leg and is the cutest little dude ever.  (RIP 4/1/21- Unfortunately, Corkie also had a heart birth defect that we didn’t know about and he passed away this morning. For the very short time he was on this earth he lived his best life and was loved + spoiled very much.  He will always be in our hearts. Fly high + free little man!) 

Pepper aka PepPep – is our yellow sided Green Cheek Conure.  She is quite the character.  Pepper loves doing her aerial acrobatics and shooting you rasberries.  She’s a Daddy’s girl for sure and loves watching TV with him.

Tilly the Too – is our Goffin Cockatoo that is a rescue from a bad situation.  We foster failed and she’s not going anywhere LOL.  Shocker I know 😉  She’s a plucker but thankfully has not done any major plucking since she’s been here.  We are working on trust , manners and getting to know each other.  She is a sweet bird that with time I am hoping she will realize that she is in her forever home and no one will ever hurt her again.  


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